FEAT-Houston is dedicated to providing information about effective treatment for Autism, especially ABA – Applied Behavior Analysis.
The Learn About ABA section gives basic information about ABA, evaluating claims about treatments, how ABA compares to other treatments, recommended reading, and links to other sites with ABA information.
The How Do I Access ABA? Section addresses Getting Started and some sources of paying for ABA treatment.
The Private Providers & Public Services Section provides some information on Community Programs, Public Schools, and Private Providers of ABA as well as information on how to choose a provider.
The Parent FAQ is a list of questions and answers written by a local parent to help others understand a bit more about ABA treatment and the professionals who provide it.
The For Professionals Section contains general information about ABA that professionals working with individuals with ASD may benefit from as well as specific information for various professions.
Recursos en Español contains some information on resources we have been able to gather in Spanish that relate to ABA.
Medicaid Waiver Information provides basic and specific information on the Texas programs that may provide some assistance to individuals with autism.
The Adolescents and Adults section provides information related to this age group.